Latest Important Features in ColdFusion 2018
New User Interface for ColdFusion Administrator – ColdFusion Administrator interface is more cleaner now. The interface is arranged tabs for easy navigation. Also search recommendation for the search term.
Performance monitoring toolset – This is a new solution that ensures your applications are optimized.
Server Auto Lockdown – Total security for ColdFusion server against vulnerabilities and other malicious attacks.
Core Language Enhancements – NULL support, Closures in tags, Asynchronous programming using Future Enhanced Object-Oriented Programming, Optional semi-colons in a cfscript code, Negative index support for strings, Chaining of member functions and more New functions added.
Command Line Interface & REPL – Read-Eval-Prit-Loop is an interactive programming environment that takes single user input, evaluates them, and return the results.
Rest Playground – This is to test, develop, and document web services.
New Caching Engines – Improves performance through caching with engines Memcached, JCS, Redis, and Custom cache plugin
Changes in ColdFusion Builder – New additions are access codes from remote systems, import code profiler data, the introduction of Cordova, and Eclispse upgrade to Oxygen.
Latest Important Features in ColdFusion 2016
Language enhancements – Safe navigation operator included accessing members of a Struct or values of an object.
Command Line Interface (CLI) – This is for developers to run their cfm scripts without starting a ColdFusion server.
PDF-enhancements – New actions included are sanitization, import and export of metadata, import and export of comments, attaching files, annotation (stamp), and enhancement to PDF archival.
Security enhancements – Security code analyzer is introduced in ColdFusion 2016.It will integrate security analyzer into ColdFusion Builder so that developers can now avoid common security pitfalls/vulnerabilities while writing ColdFusion code.
External session storage – In order to avoid difficulty in configuration and session management, is to use an external session storage like Redis.
Swagger document generation – Swagger is used to specify and describe the document RESTful APIs.The Swagger version that is supported in ColdFusion is 1.2.
NTLM support – There is support for NTLM for , , and tags, and CreateObject function. NTLM is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.
New and changed functions/tags in ColdFusion 2016
API Manager – API Manager is a new component introduced for the first time in Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release). It is
a standalone server component that can run on its own, providing you all the capabilities of monitoring, measuring, securing, and, monetizing APIs.
Latest Important Features in ColdFusion 10
ColdFusion 10’s stunning features allow the coders to create web applications that are highly interactive, dynamic, mobile functional, and enhanced. The important features include:
HTML 5 – This new marker language allows the developers to create rich user applications using the web interactive applications such as web-based games, social networking, e-commerce solutions, and podcasts.
Tomcat Application – With the latest release of Apache Tomcat application that takes the place of Adobe JRun, the developers can improve the handling of their respective projects by creating a cache of pages. Tomcat tools allow managing and developing websites more quickly.
Higher Security – Security has become a major concern with so many wireless gadgets on the market. ColdFusion 10 provides more security in this aspect. It also involves the clearing of viruses and filters security attacks.
Language Improvements – The code readability and quality is enhanced and as well the scripting support. This allows the completion of the project more quickly as it gives the ability to condense the large codes.
Contact us for more information on upgrading your website to ColdFusion 10. We offer expert services to clients not only in migrations but also in development, modernization and application maintenance. Our development team can very well build engaging user applications for your businesses.