Client : Confidential*
Challenge : Managing feeds for Marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Facebook, etc, that contain 1000s of products, pulling orders from those marketplaces and pushing fulfillment details in the marketplaces, etc. Doing these manually would require lot of man-power and very tidous process yet missing the timelines set by the marketplaces.
Strategy : To automate all the processes so the client can increase the product base in the marketplaces and also expand business to new marketplaces.
Approach : Build an admin system to prepare bulk and single product feeds, pulling orders from marketplace and pushing fulfillment to all marketplaces. This includes product creation, inventory updates, price updates, pulling orders, pushing fulfillment and competitor pricing updates.
Result : With faster product updates and very minimal man power, more products listed with on time pricing, timely order fulfillment and inventory updates. So there is spike in sales due to huge range of products, pricing, orders and fulfillment sync.
The Process**
The Process**
* We maintain the confidentialy of our clients and restrain from disclosing the names without prior permission from them.
** Only top items from the list are mentioned here. The actual process will cover lot more areas.