How ColdFusion works with Advanced front end JS frameworks?

ColdFusion as backend technology, Any advanced JS frameworks (ex: Vue.js, Node.js, Angular and React.js) as front end technology will create highly interactive and scalable applications.

JS frameworks will make your applications more interactive and easy to develop extra features in very less time.

ColdFusion will be used to handle all the data operations and JS frameworks will take care of all usability for the users.ColdFusion APIs will give the data in JSON form to the pages where they handle JSON data.

1. Sample ColdFusion API response

  "name": “John”,
  "role": “leader”,
  "address": "1600 amphitheater pkwy, mountain view"
  "name": 1,
  "role": 4,
  "address": "Vista Slope At Shoreline Park, mountain view"

2. Angular basic example for listing page

<h2>Students List</h2>

<div *ngFor=”let student of students”>

<h3> <a [title]=” + ‘ details'”> {{ }} </a> </h3>

<p *ngIf=”student.address”> Address: {{ student.address }} </p>


3. React basic example for listing page


{students && =>

<tr key={}>

<td>{} </td>

<td>{students.address }</td>





4. Vue basic example for listing page

<h2>Students List</h2>

<div v-for=”student in students” >

<h3> <a [title]=” + ‘ details'”> {{ }} </a> </h3>

<p v-if=”student.address”> Address: {{ student.address }} </p>


Which framework is best for you?

Each framework has its own pros and cons, but we need to take into consideration the type of application we are building. Coming to the technical difference between these js frameworks is Angular and Vue.js are web development frameworks and React.js is a library. The development feasibility of a library is limited compared to framework development. Here are more details on each framework with features and best used.

1. Angular

Angular is suited for Enterprise applications and CMS applications.


  1. Model-View-Controller architecture
  2. Server-side rendering
  3. Dependency injection

These features will enable users to build best speed platforms via web workers and server-side rendering.

2. React

React is suited for E-com websites, Single page websites, and Social media apps.


  1. Virtual DOM
  2. Components
  3. JSX
  4. One-way data binding

These features will enable users to build faster response websites. Also, Components will make the application custom and reusable.

3. Vue

Vue is suited for Animated websites and Best-UI websites.


  1. Two-way data binding
  2. Virtual DOM rendering
  3. Components

These features will enable users to efficiently build the best UI interface websites with Virtual DOM rendering.

We have the expertise to use JS frameworks efficiently with ColdFusion. Do contact us in case you require any custom services in ColdFusion.

The Benefits of Using ColdFusion and JS Frameworks

You’re probably wondering what’s so great about mixing it up with ColdFusion and JS frameworks, right? 

Well, the advantages are manifold. ColdFusion, a language designed for web development, offers an extensive set of features for backend development. It simplifies the process of creating complex websites and web apps by providing an easy-to-use, tag-based scripting language. 

On the other hand, JS frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, excel in building interactive and dynamic interfaces on the client-side. So, when you pair ColdFusion’s robust backend capabilities with the advanced front-end features of a JS framework, you get a powerful combination that can make web development faster, easier, and more efficient. 

Furthermore, using ColdFusion with a JS framework allows developers to work within a consistent and structured development environment. This is because most JS frameworks follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which helps in organizing code and making it more maintainable. ColdFusion also fits well within this pattern, as it can serve as a powerful controller, handling business logic and database interactions. 

Moreover, ColdFusion’s integration with JS frameworks can lead to improved performance, as the applications can benefit from ColdFusion’s built-in caching mechanisms and efficient server-side processing. So, in the long run, this combination can not only save time and effort but also enhance the overall user experience.